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Name Jose Marichal
Label Political Scientist
Phone (805) 493-3328
Summary I am a professor of political science at California Lutheran University. I specialize in studying the role that algorithms and AI play in restructuring social and political institutions. I am currently writing a book entitled -- You Must Remain an Algorithmic Problem -- that will come out in 2025 with Bristol University Press (UK). The book explores the unwritten social contract we have with the algorithms that shape what we see, hear and think. I have a number of projects with collaborators looking at how social media shapes political discourse.


  • 2004.08 - current
    Professor of Political Science
    California Lutheran University
    Teaching at Teaching at CLU. Here are the courses I teach or have taught: Courses I Teach (or Have Taught): Technology and Politics, Social Media and Politics, Social Media as Data - Intro to Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis, Scope and Methods of Political Science, Race, Multiculturalism and Politics, Contemporary Issues in Public Policy, Modern Political Thought, American Political Thought, Introduction to Political Science, The Politics of Community Development, Seminar in Citizenship and Civic Engagement
    • All of them


  • 1996.01 - 2003.01

    Boulder, CO

    University of Colorado at Boulder
    Politiacl Science
    • Latino Politics, Public Policy
